Monday, January 26, 2015

Waiting on News

I'm sitting at our kitchen table, awaiting news.
News, the unknown, something that can still very easily stress me out.
But writing back on this blog reminds me of the news waiting we've done in the past, good or bad, it always worked out in the end, always happened for a reason.

Last week monday, I let my easy to stress self get panicked over the awaiting news.
It isn't by any means news like the health of a loved one, and for that, I have to be grateful, in fact, this is just another awaiting of news, to see where our life will lead us next.

I'd tell you what it is but I'm sort of superstitious sometimes... maybe that's another one of my paranoia issues! Maybe later today I'll write again and let you all know what the news is...

Till then, winter can keep melting away up here in the north and I need to do some serious writing catch up for my newsletter this week!!

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