Friday, July 27, 2012

i've cooled off...

I have defiantly cooled off since earlier. hubby2be came home from the gym and the kids stopped screaming... i think sometimes i just need to say it how i feel it. for the first time i've been able to write down what im feeling. it was theraputic. it most defiantly does not mean i am ungrateful for my life. i know i have a very nice life. he works hard for us and especially me - to give me what i've always wanted.
tonight i went to Costco with my mother-in-law, i bought a case of b100 complex vitamin. it's suppose to help with stress & energy. Plus, i attract mosquitos BIG TIME and taking vitamin B is suppose to repel them. I'll try anything as right now i have a mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot. yes, my foot. don't ask.

tomorrow hubby2be has his first exam, wish him lots of LUCK! i'm sure he'll ace it, he's obsessed with weird bodily functions and he's already started talking in a language i have no idea what it is... we were watching a show called 'one born every minute' - while he accused it of making life harder on the mother's and children (we are midwife people, not crazies but we educated ourselves on a lot of hospital protocol before our kids and it's scary what they try to do to you to make THEIR life easier... just saying) but some of the babies were born a bit rough and one looked very grey, he called it some fancy-ass word and then explained it's because they told her not to push till the Doctor came (see what i mean) and the baby didn't receive enough oxygen... or something...
anyway. he's done this several times to me now. haha

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