Friday, July 27, 2012

im angry...

god im angry today. maybe i just cant handle both these kids. i feel like a freaking two year old. like i dont have a life. i need to work, but i can't. cause everytime i do start i have to get up and stop some catastrophic mess. he's been outside the entire day, not in the house, so i've been all alone. he's the president of our strata. comes and asks if "im okay" and then leaves again. why do you even bother coming to ask, not like it really matters! Just go pressure wash shit that dosn't even really need it and i'll sit here feeling like i have no life. i have packages i need to mail, a horse to ride and photos to edit. do i ever get 3-4 hrs to actually "work" - no, i'm expected to work magically without actually working at all... or getting a chance to... im about a boiling angry red pot of anger right now... im sick of having so much work and not being given any time to do. even when i've asked for it. i might as well just stop taking photos and live as a hermit with the kids. sounds productive to me!
not to mention the longer than crap list of wedding stuff that has to either be made or done... but no, by all means, let's pressure wash for 5 hours straight.

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