Saturday, January 19, 2013

update. our life.

WOW i have been super BLOG NEGLECTFUL!

i've had alot of photography work to do this week and things are still stressful as far as money is concerned... luckily have a $1000 cheque coming that i didn't know we would ever get! will pay some of the bills. we're still waiting after 7 months for our truck insurance to kick in, the insurance company is RIDICULOUS! like... if we hadn't have any money - it would have been REPO long ago... i don't even understand why we paid them if they can't even approve a perfectly good claim.

this is all relevant anyway cause yea... it probably makes no sense. I just know MARCH 22... my hubby will be DONE paramedic school... then he has to precept and do clinicals but we will be OMG-SO-CLOSE to our goal and i can see it now... me looking out my living room window and seeing my horses and my horse trailer and all that lovely stuff!

today emrhubs is volunteering! then we're going to dinner at my moms. emrhubs loves my mom *sarcastic barfing*


saw cirque due solie with my mom and grandma. 
i've seen 3 different shows now in my life. i love them! 
amaluna this time. so HOT! 


  1. I'm your newest follower! Found your ad on A Dash of Sunshine. My husband is an EMT that is in school to become a paramedic. It's great knowing that there's another blogger whose family is also living that "paramedic" lifestyle.


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