Tuesday, December 11, 2012

read my book?

there's a point in life where you need to let things go. i have officially let go of my characters, my book, my life that i had seemly wrapped up into it. i decided to publish my book on wattpad.com 
to me, the application and readability is awesome. you can download the app on your iphone and it reads like an ebook! 

this was a big step for me. one i had to take. or felt i needed to. to put it all out there and not be afraid anymore. 

and you can comment your thoughts. 

WARNING: there will be minor grammatical errors as it's not been through a real editor just my eyes a few times. 


  1. yay! i'm gonna start reading right away! can't wait!

    1. thank you erica! (excuse minor spelling/grammar errors not been professionally edited at all!)


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