Monday, December 24, 2012

happy birthday emrhubs!

YEP! today emrhubs turned 28 and though this year has been HELLA hard! we had ALOT of struggles but alot of great things also. It was just a really crazy year and you all got to share half of it with us! I know -  I KNOW we didn't go through all of this for nothing. because tonight emrhubs got offered a paramedic job. and he's so excited!! i've never seen him so happy about something job related before. he has a smirk on his face and he's beyond excited! he has worked really hard this year and when he reads my card for him on christmas day, he'll know how proud i am of him - how proud we are as a family... how i just can't believe how far he's come. how great of a man he is and how he's really followed his dream and is doing what he's always wanted to do now! AH and here i am, married to a first responder!! (... i'm gonna bite this one and say... i kinda always wanted to be married to one )...
here's to your twenty-eighth year, hun! Your dreams really unfolding in front of you.

love you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your hubs (sorry I am a little late!!) And congrats on the job offer! Hard work pays off!!! =)



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