Friday, November 30, 2012

tot fashion + dealing with new life...

so... excuse my lack of blogs, it's actually felt really awkward not blogging everything that's going on. this week was super adjustment for us. i've finally realized what life is like with my hubby in paramedic school. so i literally had to kinda change my ways and thinking to get past it. now when he comes in door i'm just happy to see him. and not annoyed. yes. i was annoyed. that sounds super selfish! (i hated myself for it) you have to remember i went from having him around basically all the time to NONE of the time. that combined i felt like i was becoming trapped in the house. i had to change this week. i couldn't do my old life anymore....

since i couldn't be with him i had to figure out how to do things without him. this includes shopping and cleaning the house. cooking and when i was super bored... plotting out my novels and making crafts was a good time consumption! 

that being said, my new amount of free time has kinda made me obsessed with clothing and even on my kids... 

some of her the wardrobe has been pricey but i used black friday to my advantage and got both kids really nice jeans, sweaters and toques... i also found some awesome deals at walmart and what not... check out some of the stuff i've gotten them these couple past weeks...

that hat i got for like $4 on black friday!! 


so this would be her new skinny jeans+fringe boots!! LOVE THEM! 
plus new parka with FUR! 

toque i got for BBJ :) so amazing! 

 bad photo of him in it but so cute haha!

blow are some christmas gifts i got them black friday. 
so on the left is a lamb for BBJ, it makes soothing noises. and the right is a turtle for emrtot, it projects light on the ceiling. i thought these two things would be special stuffed animals for them for a long time! 

so you know, when you don't have a husband around, you need to take up new hobbies... 
new interests...
even if dressing your toddler in skinny jeans and leopard print hats is silly it's making my days go by faster and i'm not left to resent anything or feel trapped in this house!! 

1 comment:

  1. yay!! all of those are super cute!! loving the hats! and those boots! oh my goodness i want some for me too.

    you do what you gotta do when the hubs is gone. it took me awhile to get used to my husband being gone so much. it kinda drives me crazy when he is around more. hahaha. crazy how you get used to something then it changes.


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